
Ellis & Barnes: Serious Mothers!

Thursday, December 28, 2006


I declare it, and declare it now!

Biz is taking a break for the holidays. She and her beau - the insanely talented Stefan Lawrence of New York super sketchgroup ElephantLarry - are currently in New Orleans for volunteer work, a whole lot of drinking and eating spicy things. I spoke with my Southern Belle on Christmas Day. She called to wish Ted and I Merry Tidings as she sipped a beer from a paper bag and told me excitedly about what they were going to do for the next few days.

She and Stefan decided to spend their X-Mas vacation putting in their time; lending a hand to the City of New Orleans while soaking up the tastes, culture and atmosphere of Louisiana. How cool. I can only imagine how heartbreaking it would be to see a place like that after one of the worst natural disasters on record, but I love how the people of New Orleans have not given up and they still party like it's 1999 and they still either use too much red pepper or make the best food around (depending on your palate.)

There is a lot of work to be done, but there is also a lot of joy to be found. Biz and Stefan are going for both.

They have sent me flowers three times during a rough spot.

Biz and Stefan will love you till the break-a, break-a dawn (so I hear.)

Every time they tell me of an upcoming trip, I feel excited for the strangers who will encounter them on their adventures. The voice inside says: "The person working the reptile farm, Red Lobster or tilt-a-whirl is in for a fun day, that's for godddamn!"

Biz got a police scanner and a membership to the Bacon of the Month Club for Christmas and was beyond excited. Stefan and I talked Wii vs. PS3. Christmas was a great day for all.

Make 2007 the Year of the Biz.
Make January Stefantastic Month.
Make them both part of your daily routine.
That's what I'm going to do.


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