
Ellis & Barnes: Serious Mothers!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Its 4pm, where is my baby?

At the tot lot.

Let that sink in for a second.



(I can't decide if it is a compound word or not, but i think "totlot" looks weird, don't you?)

It is a playground in miniature for babies just learning to walk, so it is not usually filled with older kids running at top speed over your baby. Its mostly babies piling up at the bottom of the slide or falling and crying alot or all fighting over a plastic bottle or old bandaid found strewn about.

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear "tot lot?" Well, for me its "killing floor" but for most people they hear "tot lot" and ask if that is anything like a "dog run."

Yes. It is actually just like a dog run.

You bring your baby (or dog) to the "lot" and they sort of roam about, sniffing each other and the parents really only know each other by their child's name...we actually talk more to each other's children more than to each other. "Hi Sophie! What a smart girl you are Sophie!" "Is that a new toy Adele? What a good walker you are!"

How different is this than talking to dogs? "Who is the best boy!? Did you get that stick? Did you get that stick? Such a good boy!"

Like the dog run, parents can quietly stand around judging each other and how much or how little freedom we give our dogs...I mean children vs what they think is best.

Also, children and dogs both come home equally dirty and with something in their mouth that is gross.



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