SketchFest 2008 is about to kick off
I am pretty excited...even though I am not producing this year. The fest is going to kick ass and if you haven't checked out the site to see the groups and my man, Stefan's, amazing packaging of the fest this year, you should go now.
Now, 2 things to talk about.
One, my west coast wife, Jordi, can't come, becasue she is about to give birth to the first sketch baby of our grass roots, sketch comedy family. I don't think I could be more excited to by that baby girl punk rock baby clothes and journal to start writing down jokes. I will probably have to start sending Carol Burnett and Muppet videos daily so she can be "programmed right."
Jordi, we will miss you this weekend but you will be with us in spirit the whole time. Plus Ted will be with us and I will just make him talk about Olivia Newton John.
Now, number two...I am getting pretty excited about the new show Livia and I created called Dirty Jeans and Thunder Chief. I have no idea what the audience will think, but it won't matter because it has been a blast working on.

I feel like I need to take a second to praise all the people who worked on this with us.
First off, Livia, my BFF, has been great. It has been so much fun creating the characters in this show and just committing to writing a show that we both love.
Second, Anya Garret is the amazing lady who filmed our video and edited it and is still editing it and did it all without hating us by the end. :) She is really brilliant and has such a good eye for shots and edits and timing. Bravo!
Alex Pearl is our director and man o' man...if you ever need an acting coach...this is the man. He is awesome and has reminded me how important acting is in sketch comedy...whether or not i remember to act during the show.
Chris O'Connor and Arthur Meyer rock in the actual show adn have really been brilliant as performers as well as adding their creative input to the process. They are both really hilarious.
Reggie Watts and Barron Vaughn are in our videos and were actually who we wrote the characters Senator Taco and Pee Pee for. They kicked ass and please god, if you make it to the show, watch Barron's face when he is being held at gun point. Priceless!
Of course, Jon Friedman, Alex Goldberg, Aaron Keifets, and Greg Walloch were also in the film and proved the addadge that even the smallest of moments make comedy gold. A special thanks to Greg who let us beat him with his own crutches. Thanks!
Finally, Stefan has been awesome, helping with special effects, our post card design, and basically putting up with us trashing the house. I love you. here is what you have been waiting for....the Dirty Jeans and Thunder Cheif Teaser.