Guess Who Else Came to Disney World?
Here we go....over the big drop! Don't be nervous Murder Hands!
After that, its time for coffee! Murder Hands take their coffee like they take their victims...white and sweet.
Murder Hands! Dolphin statues don't drink coffee!
Now they are off to Animal Kingdom! Wow...that new roller coaster sure looks high!
What's this? Oh, you can soak people as they come down the rapid river ride!
Well THAT looks like fun!
Wait your turn Murder Hands!
Let's go to the petting zoo!!! Hmmmm...does anyone else think this might be a bad place for Murder Hands to go?
Check this sweet action out! Cave drawings!
This might be the first recording of Murder Hands, this dinosaur themed burger restaurant. Connect with your roots Murder Hands. Feel your history.
Back at the hotel arcade...anyone for hoops?
Who else, besides pregnant women, likes to get up at 6:30 am to go see Disney steam trains in 30 degree weather? Is it Murder Hands?
And...oh...oh...look at you murder hands! It's like you get irony!
Well, what a fun vacation with Murder Hands. I hope to see them on lots of other trips. Maybe you have some pictures of when Murder Hands went on a vacation with you! If so, let us know and we'll post them here!
xoxo, Biz