
Ellis & Barnes: Serious Mothers!

Monday, July 27, 2009

What to do when you are trying to pass the time waiting for labor to start

Build a volcano. Obviously.
One of the first birthday gifts I ever got for Stefan, when we first started courting, was a "build it yourself" volcano set. Obviously. It was called "OH NO VOLCANO!" and looked really scary and authentic...and I don't want to forget to mention, scientific.

This has sat in our apartment for many years and occasionally we say "today is the day we should build that volcano!" but never get around to doing it.

Until I found myself in the final days of my pregnancy...huge, uncomfortable, bored, and miserable.

Oh noooooooooo!

Needless to say, we were a tad disappointed when we opened it and saw the actual volcano size, but of course, Stefan's uncrushable spirit prevailed!

Yep...just a little tape...I mean SCIENCE...and we were on our way to creating one of the most (cough) destructive forces known to man!

Next step...plaster of paris, aka, SCIENCE.

PRESTO! Volcano!

Now it only needs 3 hours to dry...which turned into 24 hours...which is ok when one considers the million of years it takes for the earth to make a real volcano. Of course, we are in "pregnancy time" in which 24 hours equals a million years. It is all relative.

Oh Nooooooo Volcano log: Day 2

We awoke to discover that starting the volcano project had not brought on labor. Scratch "start crazy project" off of list of ways to induce labor. Eat a chili pepper and gather supplies for remaining volcano project.
When you are scientists, like Stefan and I are, you always need to have the proper tools. Paintbrush and paints: 2 browns, and 1 red.

Careful Stefan...careful...

Oh nooooooooo, poo-canooooooo! (that's for all you 2nd graders out there.)

Now for a dash of realism...

OH NOOOOOOOO!!! VolCATnooooooooo!

What we need now is the proper setting.

A little "WOW, those dinosaurs are huge! They are almost as big as that GIANT volcano! Wait, what's happening? What is that?"


Proof that a giant volcano causing a sky filled with ash did not kill the was a cat named Bee.

Ok, I don't like to play god or anything....oh wait...I am creating a life inside me...I guess I DO like playing god a little...anyway...I am proud to present the EPIC production of "OH NOOOOOOO, VOLCANOOOOOO!"

Oh Nooooo Volcano from Epic Family on Vimeo.