
Ellis & Barnes: Serious Mothers!

Monday, April 18, 2011

I have been crafting on painkillers

Talk about crafting fail...oh wait...apparently if I craft under the influence of painkillers due to dental surgery (rendering me unable to talk as much, which may or may not also play a part) I am AMAZING!

Ok, not as amazing as all you brilliantly crafty women out there but I just avoid your blogs during my crafts-a-ganzas so as not to get depressed. 

So last Friday I had more dental surgery. I have it a lot. Let's don't talk about it and stop staring at my mouth. By Saturday afternoon I was 2 days into a painkiller cocktail and Supernatural marathon when all of my new felt and sewing projects long postponed started calling to me. 

"Get out of bed....slowly...and come and make something out of me."

"Get off the floor, I said slowly." 

What am I going to make? How about everything?

Pants out of a T-shirt? Yes.
 The very first "mom blog" I ever came across was SamsterMommy. I was 2 months into being a mom and I found it really helpful and I liked her and what? She is sewing during naps? I could do that! (note: I could never do that. My baby never took long naps, but I liked fantasizing.)

Anyway, she had a few posts on making toddler pants and it actually looked doable for those of us who follow directions badly. Here is her tutorial. I made my pants out of an old T-shirt, but same thing.

I used a shirt from the musical version of 9to5 I saw with my sista' a few years ago. Yes, one leg is slightly shorter and they ride a little low which is fine since Katy Belle is currently going through a phase of wearing 2 pairs of pants.

I thought Katy Belle needed pants with a flask on them and the phrase "Atta Girl." What toddler doesn't need that?

It could only lead to good hanging out in a trucker hat. Atta girl.

Now under normal circumstances I would do a project and then do nothing for months...because I have a baby and that baby equals all free time and what is left is usually spent sleeping. These, however, are not normal circumstances. PAINKILLERS.

FELT! I bought all this felt the other day and make something springy and useless.  I searched "felt spring crafts" on Google, went straight to images...looked...and did what I love to do...pretend I know how to make something by only looking at it. This is ok for felt projects as they are hard to mess up or are easier to bury.

What baby doesn't need a purse...that um...holds...what do babies need to hold? Nothing. Babies don't need purses and Katy Belle tossed this to the side as fast as she could. But that did not stop my painkiller addled pride from swelling with more pride!

Side 1:

 Side 2:
 Come on! Birdies! Adorable! You can't mess up felt and sewing 2 pieces of fabric together on 3 sides. You can mess up handles though. Do not look at those. Instead look at my baby girl eating a pickle at 9am. (best mother)

There is more. I was obsessed with the felt birdie and decided I should make a bunch of random felt shapes and sew on them and then sew that together badly...I mean in a folk art manner...and then tie them to yarn.


If you have a baby and very little time, do all the cutting out before you go to bed and then keep them near you and sew on them in those moment where your toddler is preoccupied by something. Yes, I know that is usually for like 5 minutes but that is all it takes to sew on these. 

Katy Belle was equally unimpressed with these but I think they are darling and next year's Christmas tree better watch the hell out!

Sadly, the pain pills have run out and I am back to my normal schedule so all my projects are back to being on hold. Don't worry though, I have the biggest and worst dental surgery to come in a few weeks and watch out, I may try to make a quilt very badly!