These Guys!'s my Papa and Tony Giles watching the Alabama Football game and is possibly one of the greatest wedding pictures I have ever seen.
It was THESE GUYS that got married.

Wow...does my face say
happiness or what? I think I am actually pointing to the fact that I have removed my shoes and that this party is now "on."
Geoff Haggerty is making me a tad uncomfortable though. Stop LEERING!
I need to be honest with you dear PPAers. I have close to 600 photos of the last three weeks. As much as I would love to make this the most boring blog in the history of blogs, I am going to control myself and go with highlights rather than a minute by minute review.
Today we shall reflect upon the big day with some of my favorite pictures that have turned up on Facebook or from my camera. We are uploading EVERYTHING we have to Flicker over the next few days and will send that out to everyone who wants to look at themselves or at us being awesome. oh yeah. the The Lodge.
So we rented this amazing house in Old Fort, NC. It was designed like a 1920's railroad lodge so it was heavily train themed....

as well as heavily supportive of the lost art of taxidermy.
Ta and...


I think it is nice that the
squirrel showed a little class by dressing up. Somebody needs to talk with that bull.
In this lovely picture of my dear bridesmaid
Baz, you get a taste of all the themes the house has to offer...train memorabilia and the sawed off head of a once extinct animal.

Please note the bathroom to the right...helpful bride tip number 42...white lights strewn about a toilet equals romantic.
Friday was a day of hanging out and the welcome dinner at the lodge. Here are Baz and Livia looking their best for my special day.

Down in the game room there was a mad, all night long game of
Monopoly. Talk about a wild the police and put away the blow...Alex just landed on Park Place!

Saturday morning, it's my special day and time to get beautiful. Who is looking forward to THIS for the rest of his life?

actually love my hairdresser. The look on her face says "ozone be damned!" Helpful bride hint number 13...when it comes to your "bride hair," ozone be damned!
Hairspray, ham sandwiches, and tears...that's what brides are made of.
Here comes the groomsmen.

Here comes the

Here comes the dog. Wait! Dog? That's right...random dog showed up to bless our wedding. Here he is in the bride tent, making sure I smell just right. He then ran down the aisle with Stefan...and right as we said "I Do" the dog said "I Do Too" by joining us at the alter. I am sure that dog will wind up mounted on a wall somewhere.

Speaking of having our wedding blessed, when the cheer went up after we said I Do, the sound of a celebratory shot gun rang out. A slightly
inebriated neighbor honored us by shooting his shotgun in the air. I don't think Stefan and I could have asked for anything more magical than a dog and shotgun blessing.
Now where were we...oh yes...Here comes the Groom!

And here comes the Bride with Papa.

What was that? What shoes am I wearing? Oh those would be Ed
Hardys. Oh yeah!

Did I mention that the wedding was announced by Tony Giles, the voice of the Alabama Crimson Tide? It was the coolest thing ever. Hearing his voice took me back to little league games and fireball jawbreakers. He announced the entire wedding party to a variety of selected theme songs. The highlight would be when we called "Roll Bride Roll!"
Every girl has her fantasy!
And then we were married. That very religious man between us is Reverend Kevin Chesley. He did such an amazing job. Along with being certified to perform marriages in North Carolina, Kevin can also sell you real estate on the moon. Give him a call while there is still space left.

And now, as the great orator Kevin Bacon once said, "Let's Dance!"

Here is the beautiful Jordana of PPPA fame and the lovely Livia of Livialand fame. Oh and me!
I like to call this picture, "mother of newborn on first vacation."
I like to call this one, "married couples" or "been there, done that." This features the lovely J and Martha, and Alex and Marni.
I call this one "DON"T TOUCH MY SCOTCH #@*(^^&%!!"

Man was this place filled with "atmosphere." By which I mean dead things on the wall.
This bear became the prom picture of the wedding. I believe that Monica Hill has a photo of almost everyone posing with the bear.
I would now like to end this installment with something unrelated to the Special Day. Stefan and I were wondering around Asheville and stumbled upon this little, un-ironic gem at a thrift store. Made in the early 80's, I give you....
Offshore Drilling, the belt buckle.
I like to imagine that this is one of many made. Maybe for a company wide gift or the Republican National Convention. Who thought this was a high demand buckle? "Well Larry, we have made em with deer and tractors and skulls and American Flags...what else?"
"I got it! Offshore Drilling!"
"Brilliant! Lets go eat cucumber sandwiches!"
Tune in tomorrow for a special video posting.
xoxo, Biz