As you know, we had a baby. Obviously, the big question was "how is this going to affect Stefan's birthday?" The parties are kind of a big deal. There has been the surf party with the surf band, sexy farm party with the jug band, the shitty costume party where everyone had to make their costumes and we had karaoke, the tiki party with Blood of the Kapu Tiki (the floor was red for a long time) and last year's "prom in space." People tend to dress up, logos are made, drinks are themed and neighbors are warned, but now we have a baby. She sleeps here you know. A party in the backyard just isn't gonna work with her bedtime no matter how "cool" our 11 month old is.
Solution? Afternoon party! While baby can't have a messed up bedtime, baby can certainly have one nap screwed up.
I present to you EPICgarten!

Dear Katy Belle, today is the first day of the rest of your life being "themed" by us for our parties. We accept that you may file this away into your "why I hate you" column when you are 14 years old. Love, your Mama and Papa
Beer Garden is a great afternoon party theme...even if there is a heat advisory. Just make sure there is plenty of water to wash down the beer and dehydration...oh and sausage.
All you need are steins...
construction paper flags...
(flags and steins brought to you by Kathy and Spoons)
a long table...
a keg of beer...
and most importantly, people who will drink that beer...and dress up!
What do you think Monica? Is this gonna be a good party?
(Monica says "yes!")
Stefan and I are big believers in costumes. They are fun and I think make for a good party. You don't have to spend tons on them! (unless you are the host and have no time to sew a dirndl)
Here you can see the beauty of suspenders, cardboard, construction paper and a marker.
You can hardly tell the difference between Spoons' paper whatever that is called and Stefan's leather thingy. It's like one is Suave and one is the leading professional brand. They can't tell the difference, can you?
Monica? Can you tell the difference?
J made a hat! While I have no full length pictures of his whole get up, he looked like a stein! Creative and hilarious and well themed. (J and Jaime always have amazing costumes)
Here is they are in the middle of a move, buying a house, currently homeless, stressed with dog and cat know what...even when you have got all that on your plate, you can still put up some pigtails! Hot damn! I approve! You can also raid the closet of the person who is letting you crash at their home till you get settled. Nicely done.
Now this is excellent...Angela took a tank top and just cut it down in the front and added some ribbon. BRILLIANT!
And that is just a white cloth napkin with some bric-a-brac stuck on with double sided tape.
Now check out Mary in the red dirndl. See the white shirt? Its a HANES shirt that she just cut and stitched up! Awesome! If you think you can do the same thing, you can't. Mary is some sort of costuming, crafting genius. She once made me a banana costume...nuff said.
Of course if you are a baby, all you have to do to fit in at a beer garden is DRINK!
(almost got it there Penny. Keep trying)
Hey Monica, how's the party so far?
(you are starting to creep me out a little)
Now look at these two. Jeesh!
STOP LOOKING SO MISERABLE! So you didn't dress up, god, you are bringing everyone down!
But Biz, what if you didn't bring a costume or some people felt your costume needed work?
That's the spirit!
hmmmmm....where have I seen this face before?
Hang in there Katy Belle. At least we didn't pierce your ears, we are just going to force you to dress up for our parties in costumes. Of course we won't make you do that for your parties. It's like you think we are going to put the same amount of effort in or something. Jeesh.
(Kidding perfect baby girl! You shall have crummy magicians and smelly pony rides if you want!)
Christina is also a crafting genius even if she has keg issues. See that head piece? Dollar store flowers and a headband. Inspiring!
Monica, what do you think of Christina's head gear?
(I keep doing this because she looks so happy. Such a good picture. I appoint her the physical embodiment of the spirit of the party!)
Until tomorrow my friends, when I shall be back and post more pictures!
xoxo, Biz
P.S. of course that is not my real hair. Clip ons people!